L3 Coaching (Sarah Burrows) +61 404 085 023

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L3 Coaching (Sarah Burrows) +61 404 085 023

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Live the Life you Love

Mindset Coaching, Executive Coaching, Fertility Coaching, Parent Coaching, Hypnosis (Weight Loss, IBS, Pain, Stop Smoking, Fertility)

Corporate Training and Speaking

Healthy Mindset Weight Loss

Improve your mindset, body image, and lose weight with my fun and empowering weight loss approach! Through lifestyle management, Coaching, Hypnosis and NLP, we address the emotions behind your eating and exercise habits to achieve long-term lifestyle changes tailored to your health and activity needs.

Start with just 5 sessions to feel more energetic, less anxious, and develop a positive mindset towards all aspects of your life.

Book a 30min discovery call today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you!

Hypnotherapy for IBS Relief

Are you struggling with IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits? Hypnotherapy can help! Through suggestion, relaxation techniques, and positive imagery, I can help reduce stress, improve gut function, and alleviate symptoms. My goal is to relieve anxiety and reconnect your gut and brain, giving you skills to manage symptoms and build a bank of empowering imagery. Using Coaching, NLP, and Hypnosis, we can work together to alleviate your IBS symptoms.

Book a 30min discovery call today to see how I can help.

Beat Workplace Stress

Do you experience chronic stress from work, making you feel anxious and overwhelmed? Workplace stress can have physical and mental health impacts, including fatigue, headaches, and sleep difficulties. It can also affect productivity and job satisfaction for both employees and employers. I offer Coaching, NLP, and Hypnosis to help reduce anxiety, regain control, and design your ideal job or career. I work with clients to move towards a happier life by assessing and guiding them towards the life they want to live.

 Book a 30-minute discovery call today to see how I can help you.

Executive Coaching

You could be looking for the next step in your career and want some help on making a plan. You could have a job you have outgrown and might like to redesign it. Or you could be a new manager and like to have more connection and influence with your team. Or you might have a team that needs help to maximize their performance. Maybe you love your job, but the job that you love has become completely overwhelming and you might want to bring some balance back into your life. Whatever your problem or desire, we can help.


I work with clients to help them lose weight, manage pain (with a doctor referral only), to quit smoking, cope with IBS or to manage anxiety. The benefit of hypnotherapy over straight therapy is that the hypnotherapist bypasses the critical mind and directly targets habits, behaviors, ways of thinking and doing things that are embedded in the subconscious.

Group Coaching

Group coaching has some great advantages:

  • It creates connections. 
  • Likeminded people keep each other accountable.
  • Diversity allows us to share wins and wisdom.

If you would like to learn more about yourself, are willing to share and receive wisdom from others and want to build human connection, then this could be the format of coaching that works for you.

This is quality coaching in an affordable format.



Weight Loss

After years of procrastinating and avoiding my just pre diabetic blood results, I saw Sarah Burrows sign offering hypnosis as a tool for weight loss. Sarah sought out the underlying griefs that were stopping me from achieving my health goals. At every step of my journey, Sarah asked for my permission and then guided me to release the issues that were causing me to overeat and hold onto excess weight. With her help, I now find it quite easy to make healthy choices, to eat smaller portions, to drink lots of water and to exercise regularly. Thanks Sarah.

Peter 2023


Sarah was recommended by the nurse at my gastroenterologist’s surgery, as I was suffering a bad bout of IBS. The nurse said hypnosis may help to improve my general health and help with my stress and anxiety. Being retired for 15 years the idea of receiving life coaching and undergoing hypnosis didn’t resonate with me as being very helpful but I contacted Sarah anyway. After a short phone call with Sarah, her friendly, engaging personality and obvious commitment to her profession as a life coach, convinced me to give hypnosis a try. Over seven consultations Sarah took me through a process of exploring and acknowledging my emotions and addressed my stress and anxiety by exploring calming concepts and relaxing images through hypnosis. Sarah’s gentle and encouraging manner got me through the worst of my IBS.



Quit Smoking Success!

I had the blessing of meeting Sarah Burrows from L3 Coaching, and she changed my life, helping me achieve my goal of quitting smoking successfully. My name is Sandia, and I used to be a smoker. I had tried many times to quit smoking in different ways, but I never succeeded until I did hypnosis with Sarah for six sessions. She was wonderful, empowering, supportive, and believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself anymore. It was the best and unexpected choice I have ever made. I planned to get pregnant and wanted to quit smoking. Now, I am almost five months pregnant and so proud of myself. I cannot express my gratitude enough for what Sarah has done in my life. Thank you so much, Sarah, for helping me believe in myself again and realize my dream! God bless you. Congratulations on the beautiful work you do so passionately, helping people change their lives.

Jess 2023

Career Transformation

Sarah helped me gain clarity about my future, and the confidence to pursue it. After just one session I knew not only what I wanted, but also why I wanted it and how to make a start. Sarah's background in healthcare helped her understand my career conundrums and fast tracked my progression. Thank you!

Caroline 2022 

Weight Loss Success!

Sarah just letting you know I hit my 10kg weight loss goal this week. the doctor tested all my pathology and everything now is back in normal range. Also I went back to tango (flat shoes) and having some lessons. I went to a big dance on Monday and danced with ALL the guys and even two really good new ones I did not know and we had a ball. 
Thank you for all the positive support hypnosis.

Prerana 2021

Career Transformation

Working with Sarah was critical in my transition from senior government executive to independent consulting. Sarah took me on a journey that helped me to focus and really think through my personal ambition, goals, motivations and inner self doubts. Sarah’s unique ability to be practical, open, critical and constructive led me to clearly articulate a strategy for a way forward. Our sessions were always lively and jam packed - we moved at a pace that suited my various commitments. I would absolutely recommend Sarah to anyone looking to transition into a new career.

Jane 2021

General Coaching

Sarah is a great coach. She encourages you to do the work - to think for yourself of the goals you want to set and how you are going to achieve them. Through questions, mindfulness techniques and mapping exercises she helps you work out what is is you want to change, with no judgement just an listening ear. I would recommend her to anyone wanting to make a change that lasts.

Fi 2021


Working with Sarah was a real and unexpected turning point in my life and career. She has a unique ability to connect with you on difficult topics, to test your thinking and values and keeping you focused on working towards your real goals. Sarah's sessions bring focus and acceptance into your everyday, which leaves room for understanding and progress. I went into my sessions with Sarah thinking about career and came out with goals to address balance in my home life. Sarah's insight and strategies were spot on and enabled the career transition I was after. My sessions with Sarah always left me feeling upbeat and empowered.

Sarah 2021


I was recommended to Sarah as I was struggling with the ups and downs of IVF. Sarah planned sessions around each stage of my fertility treatment, whether this was using hypnosis so I felt calm or exploring each facet of my life which left me feeling empowered to take on any life challenges. Sarah put me at ease, listened to my needs and made me challenge my thoughts to view things from a different perspective. Sarah is caring, empathic and professional and I would recommend Sarah to others going through fertility treatment.


Take the way forward with Sarah Burrows and L3Coaching!  Embrace a brighter future filled with achievable goals and growth to help you move past workplace stress or weight loss. Book a consultation today and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you. Empower yourself with NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching.


Sarah Burrows

0404 085 023


© Copyright 2022 - L3 Coaching

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